
Showing posts from February, 2021

Prevent Stringing in Hot Melt Packaging

  The importance of product packaging is twofold: it helps to keep the contents safe and secure, and it provides an attractive product for the consumer. The packaging process is one of the most important stages of product manufacturing and distribution. With decades of experience as a  packaging adhesive manufacturer , Technical Adhesives Ltd welcomes the chance to share its expertise with its customers. In the flexible packaging industry, speed is a priority and hot melts are the technology of choice. The high production speed, however, can sometimes introduce a potential side problem called stringing. Stringing occurs when the extruded bead of adhesive does not completely detach from the nozzle tip which results in a fine string of adhesive that will interfere with the sealing process down the assembly line. These fine filaments can accumulate on the application equipment and give the appearance of what is described by users as stringing cob webbing, or angel hair. The main ...